Bio-rational Asian Citrus Psyllid Control & Depopulation
For Private, Residential & Commercial Citrus Trees

Defend Your Citrus

ACP Population Control A Better Road to Travel

The Disease

The existence of Huanglongbing disease (HLB) which in Chinese means "yellow dragon disease" also commonly known as Citrus Greening was first reported (documented in English) in Southern China in 1919. HLB is caused by a bacterium that progressively blocks the flow of nutrients within citrus trees and other related member plants of the Rutaceae family. Unfortunately, HLB disease is currently incurable. In most cases this progressive disease destroys most kinds of citrus over a period of 3 to 8 years.

The Disease Insect Vector

The Asian citrus psyllid, (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) "ACP" Sub Order *Homopterous; is now a global insect pest in your area. ACP, a plant piercing and sucking insect is infected while feeding on a diseased plant then carries (flies) and transmits HLB's phloem-limited bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter spp.) During their life span consisting of 2 to 3 months ACP lay 500 to 1000 eggs which are deposited in the flush "a cluster of young citrus shoots". When the psyllid nymphs emerge they feed on the trees new leaf phloem liquid over a period of 28 days through 5 growth stages to adulthood. It is these young infected adults that represent the greatest threat of rapidly spreading HLB to new citrus hosts.
Note; HLB spreads slowly within individual citrus plants. Some citrus may not show obvious signs of the disease over the first few years, where as others especially young plants may show signs in just a few months.

Ants, the Ultimate Enablers of ACP

The Argentine ant "Linepithema humile" is easily the most successful super organism invasive ant species present on six continents worldwide. Considered to be the number one urban insect pest in California where its presence was first reported in 1908. It is also responsible for direct and indirect damage to food crops which translates into considerable economic impact on farmers and consumers. Along with many other species of ants Argentines farm and protect ACP and other homopteran insects in exchange for their honeydew, a sugar-rich fecal liquid excrement that is the main component of their diet. Ants protect ACP from their natural enemies, (lady beetles, parasitoid wasps, lacewings, spiders, hoverflies and more) sometimes killing them in the process, thereby interfering with nature's natural ability to control this pest and the potentially devastating HLB disease that may follow.

*Homopterous:estimates of 32,000 species, are commonly known as aphids, scale, psyllids, mealybugs, whitefly and numerous other plant piercing sucking insects. Most of these insects are vectors of bacteria and viruses comprising more than 80% of all insect-transmitted plant diseases. Homopterans are considered to be the most destructive insects of both, food and non-food crops.



As ACP and the disease HLB have spread to citrus growing regions around the world attempts with aggressive foliar & systemic insecticides to control growing ACP populations have been unsuccessful. As a result, numerous species of pollinators, arthropods including beneficial insect predators and non-associated life forms are killed by insecticide applications. The presence of reproductive ACP adults in urban and rural residential citrus insures their continuous cross over into and from agricultural citrus groves. Unattended and abandoned citrus trees become nurseries for unchecked ACP reproduction; especially when ants are present in great numbers providing ACP nymphs protection in exchange for their honeydew. Their natural enemies, ladybugs, Tamarixia radiate, (a parasitoid wasp introduced from Pakistan by the University of California) lacewings, spiders and several other natural predators produce positive natural biological control results when ant populations are greatly reduced and unable to protect ACP. Note; Dr.Mark Hoddle, Director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at UCR quoted in a UC Green Blog article Invasive Melt Down "The ants, therefore, will protect the nymphs from Tamarixia. We have seen ants chase female Tamarixia off the psyllids, and even catch and eat them!" KM AntPro's Environment Friendly Insect Control System has successfully been utilized by zoos, governments, growers and communities to destroy exotic invasive "tramp ant" populations both here and abroad. (See http://www.kmantpro. com/links.htm ) Also see; KM AntPro participation in UCR Department of Entomology's citrus & urban pest management research programs.

The KM AntPro Insect Control System deployed near and around citrus trees in residential communities destroys ant populations with the same successful results achieved as within organic and conventional citrus groves. AntPro provides nature's natural predators the ability to attack, feed and populate at the expense of Asian citrus psyllids, scale, aphids, mealybugs, whitefly and other noxious disease carrying, vectoring insects.

We invite you to learn more about the advantages of bio-rational & nature's natural biological control of plant damaging disease carrying insect pests.

KM research images of ACP adults, nymphs and their natural enemies, including Access Pdf guides are available upon request. ask Ken.

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